Catholic Rosary Natural Galaxy Tiger Eye Fantastic Beads New Discovery Small Medal Silver Divine...
$25 by Kathy's Kreations in Kingwood, Mar 01
New beads I discovered. These are absolute spectacular - could not get a good picture to show off their beauty! These are called Natural Galaxy Tiger Eye beads. They are even prettier than I expected. I purchased them in 2 sizes and I used Swarovski Crystal beads for spacers. This rosary has a hanging length of 16 inches. This rosary is part of my small line which is actually made with the size beads almost all commercial rosaries are made with. The middle medal is the Divine Mercy (new one available now). This medal and the crucifix are Italian Silver that came from the small shop in Italy (4th generation) that has finally been allowed to go back to work after over 7 months of not being allowed to work and therefore nothing shipped. I was so excited when my supplier finally received an order from them that he had placed way back in February!!
Posted in: Jewelry.
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