SALE SPECIAL Navy Charm Bracelet on Paracord with Pandora Style Beads
$15 by Kathy's Kreations in Kingwood, Mar 07
Now this is a heavy duty , sturdy charm bracelet. Bracelet are the Pandora-style with the larger holes. This is made o blue paracord, using the looped end as the toggle with the anchor. There are t dangle charms as well as many silver and blue beads on the cord. This bracelet is a small one for those small wrist - fitting 6-6 1/2 inch wrists. I have enough materials to make one more bracelet. So if you need a larger one, let me know the size you need and after you purchase it I will make it to your size. I will need about a week to complete this next one.
Posted in: Jewelry.
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